July 10, 2023About 1 min
Go Native API
- golang >= 1.13
- make >= 3.0
- curl >= 7.1.1
- thrift 0.15.0
- Linux、Macos or other unix-like systems
- Windows+bash (WSL、cygwin、Git Bash)
- go mod
export GO111MODULE=on
export GOPROXY=https://goproxy.io
mkdir session_example && cd session_example
curl -o session_example.go -L https://github.com/apache/iotdb-client-go/raw/main/example/session_example.go
go mod init session_example
go run session_example.go
# get thrift 0.13.0
go get github.com/apache/thrift
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/apache/thrift
git checkout 0.13.0
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/iotdb-client-go-example/session_example
cd $GOPATH/src/iotdb-client-go-example/session_example
curl -o session_example.go -L https://github.com/apache/iotdb-client-go/raw/main/example/session_example.go
go run session_example.go
How to Use the SessionPool
SessionPool is a wrapper of a Session Set. Using SessionPool, the user do not need to consider how to reuse a session connection.
If there is no available connections and the pool reaches its max size, the all methods will hang until there is a available connection.
The PutBack method must be called after use
New sessionPool
config := &client.PoolConfig{
Host: host,
Port: port,
UserName: user,
Password: password,
sessionPool = client.NewSessionPool(config, 3, 60000, 60000, false)
Get session through sessionPool, putback after use
set storage group
session, err := sessionPool.GetSession()
defer sessionPool.PutBack(session)
if err == nil {
query statement
var timeout int64 = 1000
session, err := sessionPool.GetSession()
defer sessionPool.PutBack(session)
if err != nil {
sessionDataSet, err := session.ExecuteQueryStatement(sql, &timeout)
if err == nil {
defer sessionDataSet.Close()
} else {