Basic Functions
Basic Functions
1. Comparison Functions and Operators
1.1 Basic Comparison Operators
Comparison operators are used to compare two values and return the comparison result (true
or false
Operators | Description |
< | Less than |
> | Greater than |
<= | Less than or equal to |
>= | Greater than or equal to |
= | Equal to |
<> | Not equal to |
!= | Not equal to |
1.1.1 Comparison rules:
- All types can be compared with themselves.
- Numeric types (INT32, INT64, FLOAT, DOUBLE, TIMESTAMP) can be compared with each other.
- Character types (STRING, TEXT) can also be compared with each other.
- Comparisons between types other than those mentioned above will result in an error.
1.2 BETWEEN Operator
- The
operator is used to determine whether a value falls within a specified range. - The
operator is used to determine whether a value does not fall within a specified range. - The
operators can be used to evaluate any sortable type. - The value, minimum, and maximum parameters for
must be of the same type, otherwise an error will occur.
value BETWEEN min AND max:
value NOT BETWEEN min AND max:
Example 1 :BETWEEN
-- Query records where temperature is between 85.0 and 90.0
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE temperature BETWEEN 85.0 AND 90.0;
Example 2 : NOT BETWEEN
-- Query records where humidity is not between 35.0 and 40.0
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE humidity NOT BETWEEN 35.0 AND 40.0;
1.3 IS NULL Operator
- These operators apply to all data types.
Example 1: Query records where temperature is NULL
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE temperature IS NULL;
Example 2: Query records where humidity is not NULL
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE humidity IS NOT NULL;
1.4 IN Operator
- The
operator can be used in theWHERE
clause to compare a column with a list of values. - These values can be provided by a static array or scalar expressions.
... WHERE column [NOT] IN ('value1','value2', expression1)
Example 1: Static array: Query records where region is 'Beijing' or 'Shanghai'
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE region IN ('Beijing', 'Shanghai');
--Equivalent to
SELECT * FROM region WHERE name = 'Beijing' OR name = 'Shanghai';
Example 2: Scalar expression: Query records where temperature is among specific values
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE temperature IN (85.0, 90.0);
Example 3: Query records where region is not 'Beijing' or 'Shanghai'
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE region NOT IN ('Beijing', 'Shanghai');
2. Aggregate functions
2.1 Overview
Aggregate functions are many-to-one functions. They perform aggregate calculations on a set of values to obtain a single aggregate result.
Except for
, all other aggregate functions ignore null values and return null when there are no input rows or all values are null. For example,SUM()
returns null instead of zero, andAVG()
does not include null values in the count.
2.2 Supported Aggregate Functions
Function Name | Description | Allowed Input Types | Output Type |
COUNT | Counts the number of data points. | All types | INT64 |
SUM | Calculates the sum. | INT32 INT64 FLOAT DOUBLE | DOUBLE |
AVG | Calculates the average. | INT32 INT64 FLOAT DOUBLE | DOUBLE |
MAX | Finds the maximum value. | All types | Same as input type |
MIN | Finds the minimum value. | All types | Same as input type |
FIRST | Finds the value with the smallest timestamp that is not NULL. | All types | Same as input type |
LAST | Finds the value with the largest timestamp that is not NULL. | All types | Same as input type |
STDDEV | Alias for STDDEV_SAMP, calculates the sample standard deviation. | INT32 INT64 FLOAT DOUBLE | DOUBLE |
STDDEV_POP | Calculates the population standard deviation. | INT32 INT64 FLOAT DOUBLE | DOUBLE |
STDDEV_SAMP | Calculates the sample standard deviation. | INT32 INT64 FLOAT DOUBLE | DOUBLE |
VARIANCE | Alias for VAR_SAMP, calculates the sample variance. | INT32 INT64 FLOAT DOUBLE | DOUBLE |
VAR_POP | Calculates the population variance. | INT32 INT64 FLOAT DOUBLE | DOUBLE |
VAR_SAMP | Calculates the sample variance. | INT32 INT64 FLOAT DOUBLE | DOUBLE |
EXTREME | Finds the value with the largest absolute value. If the largest absolute values of positive and negative values are equal, returns the positive value. | INT32 INT64 FLOAT DOUBLE | Same as input type |
MODE | Finds the mode. Note: 1. There is a risk of memory exception when the number of distinct values in the input sequence is too large; 2. If all elements have the same frequency, i.e., there is no mode, a random element is returned; 3. If there are multiple modes, a random mode is returned; 4. NULL values are also counted in frequency, so even if not all values in the input sequence are NULL, the final result may still be NULL. | All types | Same as input type |
MAX_BY | MAX_BY(x, y) finds the value of x corresponding to the maximum y in the binary input x and y. MAX_BY(time, x) returns the timestamp when x is at its maximum. | x and y can be of any type | Same as the data type of the first input x |
MIN_BY | MIN_BY(x, y) finds the value of x corresponding to the minimum y in the binary input x and y. MIN_BY(time, x) returns the timestamp when x is at its minimum. | x and y can be of any type | Same as the data type of the first input x |
FIRST_BY | FIRST_BY(x, y) finds the value of x in the same row when y is the first non-null value. | x and y can be of any type | Same as the data type of the first input x |
LAST_BY | LAST_BY(x, y) finds the value of x in the same row when y is the last non-null value. | x and y can be of any type | Same as the data type of the first input x |
2.3 Examples
2.3.1 Example Data
The Example Data page contains SQL statements for building table structures and inserting data. Download and execute these statements in the IoTDB CLI to import the data into IoTDB. You can use this data to test and execute the SQL statements in the examples and obtain the corresponding results.
2.3.2 Count
Counts the number of rows in the entire table and the number of non-null values in the temperature
IoTDB> select count(*), count(temperature) from table1;
The execution result is as follows:
Note: Only the COUNT function can be used with *, otherwise an error will occur.
| 18| 12|
Total line number = 1
It costs 0.834s
2.3.3 First
Finds the values with the smallest timestamp that are not NULL in the temperature
and humidity
IoTDB> select first(temperature), first(humidity) from table1;
The execution result is as follows:
| 90.0| 35.1|
Total line number = 1
It costs 0.170s
2.3.4 Last
Finds the values with the largest timestamp that are not NULL in the temperature
and humidity
IoTDB> select last(temperature), last(humidity) from table1;
The execution result is as follows:
| 90.0| 34.8|
Total line number = 1
It costs 0.211s
2.3.5 First_by
Finds the time
value of the row with the smallest timestamp that is not NULL in the temperature
column, and the humidity
value of the row with the smallest timestamp that is not NULL in the temperature
IoTDB> select first_by(time, temperature), first_by(humidity, temperature) from table1;
The execution result is as follows:
| _col0|_col1|
|2024-11-26T13:37:00.000+08:00| 35.1|
Total line number = 1
It costs 0.269s
2.3.6 Last_by
Queries the time
value of the row with the largest timestamp that is not NULL in the temperature
column, and the humidity
value of the row with the largest timestamp that is not NULL in the temperature
IoTDB> select last_by(time, temperature), last_by(humidity, temperature) from table1;
The execution result is as follows:
| _col0|_col1|
|2024-11-30T14:30:00.000+08:00| 34.8|
Total line number = 1
It costs 0.070s
2.3.7 Max_by
Queries the time
value of the row where the temperature
column is at its maximum, and the humidity
value of the row where the temperature
column is at its maximum.
IoTDB> select max_by(time, temperature), max_by(humidity, temperature) from table1;
The execution result is as follows:
| _col0|_col1|
|2024-11-30T09:30:00.000+08:00| 35.2|
Total line number = 1
It costs 0.172s
2.3.8 Min_by
Queries the time
value of the row where the temperature
column is at its minimum, and the humidity
value of the row where the temperature
column is at its minimum.
select min_by(time, temperature), min_by(humidity, temperature) from table1;
The execution result is as follows:
| _col0|_col1|
|2024-11-29T10:00:00.000+08:00| null|
Total line number = 1
It costs 0.244s
3. Logical operators
3.1 Overview
Logical operators are used to combine conditions or negate conditions, returning a Boolean result (true
or false
Below are the commonly used logical operators along with their descriptions:
Operator | Description | Example |
AND | True only if both values are true | a AND b |
OR | True if either value is true | a OR b |
NOT | True when the value is false | NOT a |
3.2 Impact of NULL on Logical Operators
3.2.1 AND Operator
- If one or both sides of the expression are
, the result may beNULL
. - If one side of the
operator isFALSE
, the expression result isFALSE
NULL AND true -- null
NULL AND false -- false
3.2.2 OR Operator
- If one or both sides of the expression are
, the result may beNULL
. - If one side of the
operator isTRUE
, the expression result isTRUE
NULL OR NULL -- null
NULL OR false -- null
NULL OR true -- true Truth Table
The following truth table illustrates how NULL
is handled in AND
and OR
a | b | a AND b | a OR b |
3.2.3 NOT Operator
The logical negation of NULL
remains NULL
NOT NULL -- null Truth Table
The following truth table illustrates how NULL
is handled in the NOT
a | NOT a |
4. Date and Time Functions and Operators
4.1 now() -> Timestamp
Returns the current timestamp.
4.2 date_bin(interval, Timestamp[, Timestamp]) -> Timestamp
The date_bin
function is used for handling time data by rounding a timestamp (Timestamp
) to the boundary of a specified time interval (interval
-- Calculates the time interval starting from timestamp 0 and returns the nearest interval boundary to the specified timestamp.
-- Calculates the time interval starting from the origin timestamp and returns the nearest interval boundary to the specified timestamp.
--Supported time units for interval:
--Years (y), months (mo), weeks (week), days (d), hours (h), minutes (M), seconds (s), milliseconds (ms), microseconds (µs), nanoseconds (ns).
--source: Must be of timestamp type.
Parameter | Description |
interval | 1. Time interval 2. Supported units: y , mo , week , d , h , M , s , ms , µs , ns . |
source | 1. The timestamp column or expression to be calculated. 2. Must be of timestamp type. |
origin | The reference timestamp. |
4.2.1Syntax Rules :
- If
is not specified, the default reference timestamp is1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
(Beijing time:1970-01-01 08:00:00
). interval
must be a non-negative number with a time unit. Ifinterval
, the function returnssource
directly without calculation.- If
is negative, it represents a time point before the epoch.date_bin
will calculate and return the relevant time period. - If
, the function returnsnull
. - Mixing months and non-month time units (e.g.,
) is not supported due to ambiguity.
For example, if the starting point is April 30, 2000, calculating
first and then1 MONTH
results in June 1, 2000, whereas calculating1 MONTH
first and then1 DAY
results in May 31, 2000. The resulting dates are different.
4.2.2 Examples
Example Data
The Example Data page contains SQL statements for building table structures and inserting data. Download and execute these statements in the IoTDB CLI to import the data into IoTDB. You can use this data to test and execute the SQL statements in the examples and obtain the corresponding results.
Example 1: Without Specifying the Origin Timestamp
date_bin(1h,time) as time_bin
| time| time_bin|
Total line number = 18
It costs 0.683s
Example 2: Specifying the Origin Timestamp
date_bin(1h, time, 2024-11-29T18:30:00.000) as time_bin
| time| time_bin|
Total line number = 18
It costs 0.056s
Example 3: Negative Origin
date_bin(1h, time, '1969-12-31 00:00:00.000') as time_bin
| time| time_bin|
Total line number = 18
It costs 0.203s
Example 4: Interval of 0
date_bin(0ms, time) as time_bin
| time| time_bin|
Total line number = 18
It costs 0.107s
Example 5: Source is NULL
date_bin(1h,arrival_time) as time_bin
| arrival_time| time_bin|
| null| null|
| null| null|
| null| null|
| null| null|
| null| null|
| null| null|
Total line number = 18
It costs 0.319s
5. Mathematical Functions and Operators
5.1 Mathematical Operators
Operator | Description |
+ | Addition |
- | Subtraction |
* | Multiplication |
/ | Division (integer division performs truncation) |
% | Modulus (remainder) |
- | Negation |
5.2 Mathematical functions
Function Name | Description | Input | Output | Usage |
sin | Sine | double, float, INT64, INT32 | double | sin(x) |
cos | Cosine | double, float, INT64, INT32 | double | cos(x) |
tan | Tangent | double, float, INT64, INT32 | double | tan(x) |
asin | Inverse Sine | double, float, INT64, INT32 | double | asin(x) |
acos | Inverse Cosine | double, float, INT64, INT32 | double | acos(x) |
atan | Inverse Tangent | double, float, INT64, INT32 | double | atan(x) |
sinh | Hyperbolic Sine | double, float, INT64, INT32 | double | sinh(x) |
cosh | Hyperbolic Cosine | double, float, INT64, INT32 | double | cosh(x) |
tanh | Hyperbolic Tangent | double, float, INT64, INT32 | double | tanh(x) |
degrees | Converts angle x in radians to degrees | double, float, INT64, INT32 | double | degrees(x) |
radians | Radian Conversion from Degrees | double, float, INT64, INT32 | double | radians(x) |
abs | Absolute Value | double, float, INT64, INT32 | Same as input type | abs(x) |
sign | Returns the sign of x : - If x = 0 , returns 0 - If x > 0 , returns 1 - If x < 0 , returns -1 For double/float inputs: - If x = NaN , returns NaN - If x = +Infinity , returns 1.0 - If x = -Infinity , returns -1.0 | double, float, INT64, INT32 | Same as input type | sign(x) |
ceil | Rounds x up to the nearest integer | double, float, INT64, INT32 | double | ceil(x) |
floor | Rounds x down to the nearest integer | double, float, INT64, INT32 | double | floor(x) |
exp | Returns e^x (Euler's number raised to the power of x ) | double, float, INT64, INT32 | double | exp(x) |
ln | Returns the natural logarithm of x | double, float, INT64, INT32 | double | ln(x) |
log10 | Returns the base 10 logarithm of x | double, float, INT64, INT32 | double | log10(x) |
round | Rounds x to the nearest integer | double, float, INT64, INT32 | double | round(x) |
Rounds x to d decimal places | double, float, INT64, INT32 | double | round(x, d) | |
sqrt | Returns the square root of x . | double, float, INT64, INT32 | double | sqrt(x) |
e | Returns Euler’s number e . | double | e() | |
pi | Pi (π) | double | pi() |
6. Conditional Expressions
6.1 CASE
CASE expressions come in two forms: Simple CASE and Searched CASE.
6.1.1 Simple CASE
The simple form evaluates each value expression from left to right until it finds a match with the given expression:
CASE expression
WHEN value THEN result
[ WHEN ... ]
[ ELSE result ]
If a matching value is found, the corresponding result is returned. If no match is found, the result from the ELSE
clause (if provided) is returned; otherwise, NULL
is returned.
WHEN 1 THEN 'one'
WHEN 2 THEN 'two'
ELSE 'many'
6.1.2 Searched CASE
The searched form evaluates each Boolean condition from left to right until a TRUE
condition is found, then returns the corresponding result:
WHEN condition THEN result
[ WHEN ... ]
[ ELSE result ]
If no condition evaluates to TRUE
, the ELSE
clause result (if provided) is returned; otherwise, NULL
is returned.
SELECT a, b,
WHEN a = 1 THEN 'aaa'
WHEN b = 2 THEN 'bbb'
ELSE 'ccc'
Returns the first non-null value from the given list of parameters.
coalesce(value1, value2[, ...])
7. Conversion Functions
7.1 Conversion Functions
7.1.1 cast(value AS type) → type
Explicitly converts a value to the specified type. This can be used to convert strings (VARCHAR
) to numeric types or numeric values to string types.
If the conversion fails, a runtime error is thrown.
FROM table1
IN (CAST('2024-11-27' AS DATE), CAST('2024-11-28' AS DATE));
7.1.2 try_cast(value AS type) → type
Similar to CAST()
. If the conversion fails, returns NULL
instead of throwing an error.
FROM table1
WHERE try_cast(time AS DATE)
IN (try_cast('2024-11-27' AS DATE), try_cast('2024-11-28' AS DATE));
8. String Functions and Operators
8.1 String operators
8.1.1 || Operator
The ||
operator is used for string concatenation and functions the same as the concat
8.1.2 LIKE Statement
statement is used for pattern matching. For detailed usage, refer to Pattern Matching:LIKE.
8.2 String Functions
Function Name | Description | Input | Output | Usage |
length | Returns the number of characters in a string (not byte length). | string (the string whose length is to be calculated) | INT32 | length(string) |
upper | Converts all letters in a string to uppercase. | string | String | upper(string) |
lower | Converts all letters in a string to lowercase. | string | String | lower(string) |
trim | Removes specified leading and/or trailing characters from a string. Parameters: - specification (optional): Specifies which side to trim: - BOTH : Removes characters from both sides (default). - LEADING : Removes characters from the beginning. - TRAILING : Removes characters from the end. - trimcharacter (optional): Character to be removed (default is whitespace). - string : The target string. | string | String | trim([ [ specification ] [ trimcharacter ] FROM ] string) Example:trim('!' FROM '!foo!'); —— 'foo' |
strpos | Returns the position of the first occurrence of subStr in sourceStr . Notes: - Position starts at 1 . - Returns 0 if subStr is not found. - Positioning is based on characters, not byte arrays. | sourceStr (string to be searched), subStr (substring to find) | INT32 | strpos(sourceStr, subStr) |
starts_with | Checks if sourceStr starts with the specified prefix . | sourceStr , prefix | Boolean | starts_with(sourceStr, prefix) |
ends_with | Checks if sourceStr ends with the specified suffix . | sourceStr , suffix | Boolean | ends_with(sourceStr, suffix) |
concat | Concatenates string1, string2, ..., stringN . Equivalent to the || operator. | string , text | String | concat(str1, str2, ...) or str1 || str2 ... |
strcmp | Compares two strings lexicographically. Returns: - -1 if str1 < str2 - 0 if str1 = str2 - 1 if str1 > str2 - NULL if either str1 or str2 is NULL | string1 , string2 | INT32 | strcmp(str1, str2) |
replace | Removes all occurrences of search in string . | string , search | String | replace(string, search) |
replace | Replaces all occurrences of search in string with replace . | string , search , replace | String | replace(string, search, replace) |
substring | Extracts a substring from start_index to the end of the string. Notes: - start_index starts at 1 . - Returns NULL if input is NULL . - Throws an error if start_index is greater than string length. | string , start_index | String | substring(string from start_index)or substring(string, start_index) |
substring | Extracts a substring of length characters starting from start_index . Notes: - start_index starts at 1 . - Returns NULL if input is NULL . - Throws an error if start_index is greater than string length. - Throws an error if length is negative. - If start_index + length exceeds int.MAX , an overflow error may occur. | string , start_index , length | String | substring(string from start_index for length) or substring(string, start_index, length) |
9. Pattern Matching Functions
9.1 LIKE
9.1.1 Usage
operator is used to compare a value with a pattern. It is commonly used in the WHERE
clause to match specific patterns within strings.
9.1.2 Syntax
... column [NOT] LIKE 'pattern' ESCAPE 'character';
9.1.3 Match rules
- Matching characters is case-sensitive
- The pattern supports two wildcard characters:
matches any single character%
matches zero or more characters
9.1.4 Notes
pattern matching applies to the entire string by default. Therefore, if it's desired to match a sequence anywhere within a string, the pattern must start and end with a percent sign.- To match the escape character itself, double it (e.g.,
to match\
). For example, you can use\\
to match for\
9.1.5 Examples
Example 1: Match Strings Starting with a Specific Character
- Description: Find all names that start with the letter
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE continent LIKE 'E%';
Example 2: Exclude a Specific Pattern
- Description: Find all names that do not start with the letter
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE continent NOT LIKE 'E%';
Example 3: Match Strings of a Specific Length
- Description: Find all names that start with
, end witha
, and have exactly two characters in between (e.g.,Asia
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE continent LIKE 'A__a';
Example 4: Escape Special Characters
- Description: Find all names that start with
). The underscore (_
) is a wildcard character, so it needs to be escaped using\
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE continent LIKE 'South\_%' ESCAPE '\';
Example 5: Match the Escape Character Itself
- Description: Find all names that start with 'South'. Since
is the escape character, it must be escaped using\\
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE continent LIKE 'South\\%' ESCAPE '\';
9.2 regexp_like
9.2.1 Usage
Evaluates whether the regular expression pattern is present within the given string.
9.2.2 Syntax
regexp_like(string, pattern);
9.2.3 Notes
- The pattern for
only needs to be contained within the string, and does not need to match the entire string. - To match the entire string, use the
anchors. ^
signifies the "start of the string," and$
signifies the "end of the string."- Regular expressions use the Java-defined regular syntax, but there are the following exceptions to be aware of:
- Multiline mode
- Enabled by:
. - Recognizes only
as the line terminator. - Does not support the
flag, and its use is prohibited.
- Enabled by:
- Case-insensitive matching
- Enabled by:
. - Based on Unicode rules, it does not support context-dependent and localized matching.
- Does not support the
flag, and its use is prohibited.
- Enabled by:
- Character classes
- Within character classes (e.g.,
are not supported and are treated as literals.
- Within character classes (e.g.,
- Unicode character classes (
)- Underscores in names: All underscores in names must be removed (e.g.,
instead ofOld_Italic
). - Scripts: Specify directly, without the need for
, orsc=
prefixes (e.g.,\p{Hiragana}
). - Blocks: Must use the
prefixes are not supported (e.g.,\p{InMongolian}
). - Categories: Specify directly, without the need for
, orgc=
prefixes (e.g.,\p{L}
). - Binary properties: Specify directly, without
- Underscores in names: All underscores in names must be removed (e.g.,
- Multiline mode
9.2.4 Examples
Example 1: Matching strings containing a specific pattern
SELECT regexp_like('1a 2b 14m', '\\d+b'); -- true
- Explanation: Determines whether the string '1a 2b 14m' contains a substring that matches the pattern
means "one or more digits".b
represents the letter b.- In
'1a 2b 14m'
, the substring'2b'
matches this pattern, so it returnstrue
Example 2: Matching the entire string
SELECT regexp_like('1a 2b 14m', '^\\d+b$'); -- false
- Explanation: Checks if the string
'1a 2b 14m'
matches the pattern^\\d+b$
means "one or more digits".b
represents the letter b.'1a 2b 14m'
does not match this pattern because it does not start with digits and does not end withb
, so it returnsfalse