Data subscription API
Data subscription API
IoTDB provides powerful data subscription functionality, allowing users to access newly added data from IoTDB in real-time through subscription APIs. For detailed functional definitions and introductions:Data subscription
1 Core Steps
- Create Topic: Create a Topic that includes the measurement points you wish to subscribe to.
- Subscribe to Topic: Before a consumer subscribes to a topic, the topic must have been created, otherwise the subscription will fail. Consumers under the same consumer group will evenly distribute the data.
- Consume Data: Only by explicitly subscribing to a specific topic will you receive data from that topic.
- Unsubscribe: When a consumer is closed, it will exit the corresponding consumer group and cancel all existing subscriptions.
2 Detailed Steps
This section is used to illustrate the core development process and does not demonstrate all parameters and interfaces. For a comprehensive understanding of all features and parameters, please refer to: Java Native API
2.1 Create a Maven project
Create a Maven project and import the following dependencies(JDK >= 1.8, Maven >= 3.6)
<!-- The version number is the same as the database version number -->
2.2 Code Example
2.2.1 Topic operations
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.iotdb.rpc.IoTDBConnectionException;
import org.apache.iotdb.rpc.StatementExecutionException;
import org.apache.iotdb.rpc.subscription.config.TopicConstant;
import org.apache.iotdb.session.subscription.SubscriptionSession;
import org.apache.iotdb.session.subscription.model.Topic;
public class DataConsumerExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IoTDBConnectionException, StatementExecutionException {
try (SubscriptionSession session = new SubscriptionSession("", 6667, "root", "root", 67108864)) {
// 1. open session;
// 2. create a topic of all data
Properties sessionConfig = new Properties();
sessionConfig.put(TopicConstant.PATH_KEY, "root.**");
session.createTopic("allData", sessionConfig);
// 3. show all topics
Set<Topic> topics = session.getTopics();
// 4. show a specific topic
Optional<Topic> allData = session.getTopic("allData");
2.2.2 Data Consume
Scenario-1: Subscribing to newly added real-time data in IoTDB (for scenarios such as dashboard or configuration display)
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.iotdb.rpc.subscription.config.ConsumerConstant;
import org.apache.iotdb.rpc.subscription.config.TopicConstant;
import org.apache.iotdb.session.subscription.consumer.SubscriptionPullConsumer;
import org.apache.iotdb.session.subscription.payload.SubscriptionMessage;
import org.apache.iotdb.session.subscription.payload.SubscriptionMessageType;
import org.apache.iotdb.session.subscription.payload.SubscriptionSessionDataSet;
public class DataConsumerExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
// 5. create a pull consumer, the subscription is automatically cancelled when the logic in the try resources is completed
Properties consumerConfig = new Properties();
consumerConfig.put(ConsumerConstant.CONSUMER_ID_KEY, "c1");
consumerConfig.put(ConsumerConstant.CONSUMER_GROUP_ID_KEY, "cg1");
consumerConfig.put(ConsumerConstant.USERNAME_KEY, "root");
consumerConfig.put(ConsumerConstant.PASSWORD_KEY, "root");
try (SubscriptionPullConsumer pullConsumer = new SubscriptionPullConsumer(consumerConfig)) {;
while (true) {
List<SubscriptionMessage> messages = pullConsumer.poll(10000);
for (final SubscriptionMessage message : messages) {
final short messageType = message.getMessageType();
if (SubscriptionMessageType.isValidatedMessageType(messageType)) {
for (final SubscriptionSessionDataSet dataSet : message.getSessionDataSetsHandler()) {
while (dataSet.hasNext()) {
final RowRecord record =;
Scenario-2: Subscribing to newly added TsFiles (for scenarios such as regular data backup)
Prerequisite: The format of the topic to be consumed must be of the TsfileHandler type. For example:create topic topic_all_tsfile with ('path'='root.**','format'='TsFileHandler')
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.iotdb.rpc.subscription.config.ConsumerConstant;
import org.apache.iotdb.rpc.subscription.config.TopicConstant;
import org.apache.iotdb.session.subscription.consumer.SubscriptionPullConsumer;
import org.apache.iotdb.session.subscription.payload.SubscriptionMessage;
public class DataConsumerExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
// 1. create a pull consumer, the subscription is automatically cancelled when the logic in the try resources is completed
Properties consumerConfig = new Properties();
consumerConfig.put(ConsumerConstant.CONSUMER_ID_KEY, "c1");
consumerConfig.put(ConsumerConstant.CONSUMER_GROUP_ID_KEY, "cg1");
consumerConfig.put(ConsumerConstant.USERNAME_KEY, "root");
consumerConfig.put(ConsumerConstant.PASSWORD_KEY, "root");
consumerConfig.put(ConsumerConstant.FILE_SAVE_DIR_KEY, "/Users/iotdb/Downloads");
try (SubscriptionPullConsumer pullConsumer = new SubscriptionPullConsumer(consumerConfig)) {;
while (true) {
List<SubscriptionMessage> messages = pullConsumer.poll(10000);
for (final SubscriptionMessage message : messages) {
3 Java Native API Description
3.1 Parameter List
The consumer-related parameters can be set through the Properties parameter object. The specific parameters are as follows:
Parameter | required or optional with default | Parameter Meaning |
host | optional: | String : The RPC host of a DataNode in IoTDB |
port | optional: 6667 | Integer : The RPC port of a DataNode in IoTDB |
node-urls | optional: | List<String> : The RPC addresses of all DataNodes in IoTDB, which can be multiple; either host:port or node-urls can be filled. If both host:port and node-urls are filled, the union of host:port and node-urls will be taken to form a new node-urls for application |
username | optional: root | String : The username of the DataNode in IoTDB |
password | optional: root | String : The password of the DataNode in IoTDB |
groupId | optional | String : consumer group id,if not specified, it will be randomly assigned (a new consumer group),ensuring that the consumer group id of different consumer groups are all different |
consumerId | optional | String : consumer client id,if not specified, it will be randomly assigned,ensuring that each consumer client id in the same consumer group is different |
heartbeatIntervalMs | optional: 30000 (min: 1000) | Long : The interval at which the consumer sends periodic heartbeat requests to the IoTDB DataNode |
endpointsSyncIntervalMs | optional: 120000 (min: 5000) | Long : The interval at which the consumer detects the expansion or contraction of IoTDB cluster nodes and adjusts the subscription connection |
fileSaveDir | optional: Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "iotdb-subscription").toString() | String : The temporary directory path where the consumer stores the subscribed TsFile files |
fileSaveFsync | optional: false | Boolean : Whether the consumer actively calls fsync during the subscription of TsFiles |
Special configurations in SubscriptionPushConsumer
Parameter | required or optional with default | Parameter Meaning |
ackStrategy | optional: ACKStrategy.AFTER_CONSUME | The acknowledgment mechanism for consumption progress includes the following options: ACKStrategy.BEFORE_CONSUME (the consumer submits the consumption progress immediately upon receiving the data, before onReceive )ACKStrategy.AFTER_CONSUME (the consumer submits the consumption progress after consuming the data, after onReceive ) |
consumeListener | optional | The callback function for consuming data, which needs to implement the ConsumeListener interface, defining the processing logic for consuming SessionDataSetsHandler and TsFileHandler formatted data |
autoPollIntervalMs | optional: 5000 (min: 500) | Long: The time interval at which the consumer automatically pulls data, in ms |
autoPollTimeoutMs | optional: 10000 (min: 1000) | Long: The timeout duration for the consumer to pull data each time, in ms |
Special configurations in SubscriptionPullConsumer
Parameter | required or optional with default | Parameter Meaning |
autoCommit | optional: true | Boolean: Whether to automatically commit the consumption progress. If this parameter is set to false, the commit method needs to be called manually to submit the consumption progress |
autoCommitInterval | optional: 5000 (min: 500) | Long: The time interval for automatically committing the consumption progress, in ms .This parameter only takes effect when the autoCommit parameter is set to true |
3.2 Function List
Data subscription
Function name | Description | Parameter |
open() | Opens the consumer connection and starts message consumption. If autoCommit is enabled, it will start the automatic commit worker. | None |
close() | Closes the consumer connection. If autoCommit is enabled, it will commit all uncommitted messages before closing. | None |
poll(final Duration timeout) | Pulls messages with a specified timeout. | timeout : The timeout duration. |
poll(final long timeoutMs) | Pulls messages with a specified timeout in milliseconds. | timeoutMs : The timeout duration in milliseconds. |
poll(final Set<String> topicNames, final Duration timeout) | Pulls messages from specified topics with a specified timeout. | topicNames : The set of topics to pull messages from. timeout : The timeout duration。 |
poll(final Set<String> topicNames, final long timeoutMs) | Pulls messages from specified topics with a specified timeout in milliseconds. | topicNames : The set of topics to pull messages from.timeoutMs : The timeout duration in milliseconds. |
commitSync(final SubscriptionMessage message) | Synchronously commits a single message. | message : The message object to be committed. |
commitSync(final Iterable<SubscriptionMessage> messages) | Synchronously commits multiple messages. | messages : The collection of message objects to be committed. |
commitAsync(final SubscriptionMessage message) | Asynchronously commits a single message. | message : The message object to be committed. |
commitAsync(final Iterable<SubscriptionMessage> messages) | Asynchronously commits multiple messages. | messages : The collection of message objects to be committed. |
commitAsync(final SubscriptionMessage message, final AsyncCommitCallback callback) | Asynchronously commits a single message with a specified callback. | message : The message object to be committed. callback : The callback function to be executed after asynchronous commit. |
commitAsync(final Iterable<SubscriptionMessage> messages, final AsyncCommitCallback callback) | Asynchronously commits multiple messages with a specified callback. | messages : The collection of message objects to be committed.callback : The callback function to be executed after asynchronous commit. |
Function name | Description | Parameter |
open() | Opens the consumer connection, starts message consumption, and submits the automatic polling worker. | None |
close() | Closes the consumer connection and stops message consumption. | None |
toString() | Returns the core configuration information of the consumer object. | None |
coreReportMessage() | Obtains the key-value representation of the consumer's core configuration. | None |
allReportMessage() | Obtains the key-value representation of all the consumer's configurations. | None |
buildPushConsumer() | Builds a SubscriptionPushConsumer instance through the Builder | None |
ackStrategy(final AckStrategy ackStrategy) | Configures the message acknowledgment strategy for the consumer. | ackStrategy : The specified message acknowledgment strategy. |
consumeListener(final ConsumeListener consumeListener) | Configures the message consumption logic for the consumer. | consumeListener : The processing logic when the consumer receives messages. |
autoPollIntervalMs(final long autoPollIntervalMs) | Configures the interval for automatic polling. | autoPollIntervalMs : The interval for automatic polling, in milliseconds. |
autoPollTimeoutMs(final long autoPollTimeoutMs) | Configures the timeout for automatic polling.间。 | autoPollTimeoutMs : The timeout for automatic polling, in milliseconds. |