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Integration Test refactoring tutorial

...About 2 min

Integration Test refactoring tutorial

  • Step 0. Prerequisites

    • IT Location has been moved; all Integration Tests have been moved to the integration module.
    • Test case MUST label; the test classification label is the junit's category, which determines the test environment or process in which the test case is tested.
    • Code related to the test environment MAY need to be refactored; this determines whether the current test environment can correctly test the test case. The corresponding statement needs to be refactored.
  • Step 1. Labeling test cases

    • Add the appropriate Category before the test case class or test case method, which can collect any desired test category labels.

    • The Category of the following three test categories are all real and effective,

      @Category({LocalStandaloneTest.class, ClusterTest.class, RemoteTest.class})
      public class IoTDBAliasIT {
      @Category({LocalStandaloneTest.class, ClusterTest.class})
      public class IoTDBAlignByDeviceIT {
      public class IoTDBArithmeticIT {
    • You can also add Category at the test method level.

      public class IoTDBExampleIT {
       // This case can ONLY test in environment of local.
       public void theStandaloneCase() {
       // This case can test in environment of local, cluster and remote.
       @Category({ClusterTest.class, RemoteTest.class})
       public void theAllEnvCase() {
    • At present, all test cases must at least add the Category of the stand-alone test, namely LocalStandaloneTest.class.

  • Step 2. Environmental code refactoring

    • If the test case needs to be tested in the Cluster or Remote environment, the environment-related code MUST be refactored accordingly. If it is only tested in the LocalStandalone environment, modifications are only recommended. (Not all test cases can be tested in the Cluster or Remote environment because statements that are limited by some functions, such as local file operations, cannot be refactored.)

      setUp and tearDownRecommendMustMust
      change configRecommendMustNot support
      Local file operationWon't changeNot supportNot support
      Local descriptor operationWon't changeNot supportNot support
      restart operationWon't changeNot supportNot support
    • The setUp and tearDown methods must be refactored in the Cluster and Remote environment

      @Category({LocalStandaloneTest.class, ClusterTest.class, RemoteTest.class})
      public class IoTDBAliasIT {
        public static void setUp() throws Exception {
          // EnvironmentUtils.closeStatMonitor(); // orginal setup code
          // EnvironmentUtils.envSetUp(); // orginal setup code
          EnvFactory.getEnv().initBeforeClass(); // new initBeforeClass code
        public static void tearDown() throws Exception {
          // EnvironmentUtils.cleanEnv(); // orginal code
          EnvFactory.getEnv().cleanAfterClass(); // new cleanAfterClass code
    • The getConnection must be refactored in Cluster and Remote environments

      private static void insertData() throws ClassNotFoundException {
          // Class.forName(Config.JDBC_DRIVER_NAME); // orginal connection code
          // try (Connection connection =  
          //         DriverManager.getConnection( 
          //             Config.IOTDB_URL_PREFIX + "", "root", "root");
          try (Connection connection = EnvFactory.getEnv().getConnection(); // new code
              Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) {
            for (String sql : sqls) {
          } catch (Exception e) {
    • The method of changing the IoTDB configuration must be refactored in the Cluster environment. (As the remote environment cannot change the configuration remotely at present, the test cases that change the configuration will not support testing in the remote environment)

      • In the Cluster environment, as the configuration cannot be changed dynamically, only the configuration changes before the environment init are effective.
      • The refactoring has included most of the configuration changes, which can be changed through the method of ConfigFactory.getConfig().
        @Category({LocalStandaloneTest.class, ClusterTest.class})
        public class IoTDBCompleteIT {
          private int prevVirtualStorageGroupNum;
          public void setUp() {
            prevVirtualStorageGroupNum =
            // IoTDBDescriptor.getInstance().getConfig().setVirtualStorageGroupNum(16); // orginal code
            ConfigFactory.getConfig().setVirtualStorageGroupNum(16); // new code
      • If the configuration item has not been included in the method of ConfigFactory.getConfig(), it needs to be defined in the interface file and implemented in and, respectively. This part is not very common. For specific, please refer to the realized part.

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