July 10, 2023About 1 min
Selector Functions
Currently, IoTDB supports the following selector functions:
Function Name | Allowed Input Series Data Types | Required Attributes | Output Series Data Type | Description |
TOP_K | INT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLE / TEXT | k : the maximum number of selected data points, must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1000 | Same type as the input series | Returns k data points with the largest values in a time series. |
BOTTOM_K | INT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLE / TEXT | k : the maximum number of selected data points, must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1000 | Same type as the input series | Returns k data points with the smallest values in a time series. |
select s1, top_k(s1, 'k'='2'), bottom_k(s1, 'k'='2') from root.sg1.d2 where time > 2020-12-10T20:36:15.530+08:00;
| Time| root.sg1.d2.s1|top_k(root.sg1.d2.s1, "k"="2")|bottom_k(root.sg1.d2.s1, "k"="2")|
|2020-12-10T20:36:15.531+08:00| 1531604122307244742| 1531604122307244742| null|
|2020-12-10T20:36:15.532+08:00|-7426070874923281101| null| null|
|2020-12-10T20:36:15.533+08:00|-7162825364312197604| -7162825364312197604| null|
|2020-12-10T20:36:15.534+08:00|-8581625725655917595| null| -8581625725655917595|
|2020-12-10T20:36:15.535+08:00|-7667364751255535391| null| -7667364751255535391|
Total line number = 5
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