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IoTDB Data Directory Overview Tool

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IoTDB Data Directory Overview Tool

IoTDB data directory overview tool is used to print an overview of the IoTDB data directory structure. The location is tools/tsfile/print-iotdb-data-dir.


  • For Windows:
.\print-iotdb-data-dir.bat <IoTDB data folder path, separated by commas if there are multiple folders> (<storage path of the output overview file>) 
  • For Linux or MacOs:
./ <IoTDB data folder path, separated by commas if there are multiple folders> (<storage path of the output overview file>) 

Note: if the storage path of the output overview file is not set, the default relative path "IoTDB_data_dir_overview.txt" will be used.


Use Windows in this example:

.\print-iotdb-data-dir.bat D:\github\master\iotdb\data\datanode\data
Starting Printing the IoTDB Data Directory Overview
output save path:IoTDB_data_dir_overview.txt
data dir num:1
143  [main] WARN  o.a.i.t.c.conf.TSFileDescriptor - not found, use the default configs.
|  |--root.redirect0
|  |  |--1
|  |  |  |--0
|  |--root.redirect1
|  |  |--2
|  |  |  |--0
|  |--root.redirect2
|  |  |--3
|  |  |  |--0
|  |--root.redirect3
|  |  |--4
|  |  |  |--0
|  |--root.redirect4
|  |  |--5
|  |  |  |--0
|  |--root.redirect5
|  |  |--6
|  |  |  |--0
|  |--root.sg1
|  |  |--0
|  |  |  |--0
|  |  |  |--2760

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