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DBeaver is a SQL client software application and a database administration tool. It can use the JDBC application programming interface (API) to interact with IoTDB via the JDBC driver.

DBeaver Installation

IoTDB Installation

Connect IoTDB and DBeaver

  1. Start IoTDB server

  2. Start DBeaver

  3. Open Driver Manager

  4. Create a new driver type for IoTDB

  5. Download Sourcesopen in new window,unzip it and compile jdbc driver by the following command

    mvn clean package -pl jdbc -am -DskipTests -P get-jar-with-dependencies
  6. Find and add a lib named apache-iotdb-jdbc-{version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar, which should be under jdbc/target/, then select Find Class.

  7. Edit the driver Settings

  8. Open New DataBase Connection and select iotdb

  9. Edit JDBC Connection Settings

JDBC URL: jdbc:iotdb://
Username: root
Password: root
  1. Test Connection
  1. Enjoy IoTDB with DBeaver

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