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Time Series Processing

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Time Series Processing



This function is used to remove consecutive identical values from an input sequence.
For example, input:1,1,2,2,3 output:1,2,3.


Input Series: Support only one input series.

Parameters: No parameters.


Raw data:

|                         Time|root.testChangePoints.d1.s1|root.testChangePoints.d1.s2|root.testChangePoints.d1.s3|root.testChangePoints.d1.s4|root.testChangePoints.d1.s5|root.testChangePoints.d1.s6|
|1970-01-01T08:00:00.001+08:00|                       true|                          1|                          1|                        1.0|                        1.0|                     1test1|
|1970-01-01T08:00:00.002+08:00|                       true|                          2|                          2|                        2.0|                        1.0|                     2test2|
|1970-01-01T08:00:00.003+08:00|                      false|                          1|                          2|                        1.0|                        1.0|                     2test2|
|1970-01-01T08:00:00.004+08:00|                       true|                          1|                          3|                        1.0|                        1.0|                     1test1|
|1970-01-01T08:00:00.005+08:00|                       true|                          1|                          3|                        1.0|                        1.0|                     1test1|

SQL for query:

select change_points(s1), change_points(s2), change_points(s3), change_points(s4), change_points(s5), change_points(s6) from root.testChangePoints.d1

Output series:

|                         Time|change_points(root.testChangePoints.d1.s1)|change_points(root.testChangePoints.d1.s2)|change_points(root.testChangePoints.d1.s3)|change_points(root.testChangePoints.d1.s4)|change_points(root.testChangePoints.d1.s5)|change_points(root.testChangePoints.d1.s6)|
|1970-01-01T08:00:00.001+08:00|                                      true|                                         1|                                         1|                                       1.0|                                       1.0|                                    1test1|
|1970-01-01T08:00:00.002+08:00|                                      null|                                         2|                                         2|                                       2.0|                                      null|                                    2test2|
|1970-01-01T08:00:00.003+08:00|                                     false|                                         1|                                      null|                                       1.0|                                      null|                                      null|
|1970-01-01T08:00:00.004+08:00|                                      true|                                      null|                                         3|                                      null|                                      null|                                    1test1|

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