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Arithmetic Operators and Functions

Arithmetic Operators

Unary Arithmetic Operators

Supported operators: +, -

Supported input data types: INT32, INT64 and FLOAT

Output data type: consistent with the input data type

Binary Arithmetic Operators

Supported operators: +, -, *, /, %

Supported input data types: INT32, INT64, FLOAT and DOUBLE

Output data type: DOUBLE

Note: Only when the left operand and the right operand under a certain timestamp are not null, the binary arithmetic operation will have an output value.


select s1, - s1, s2, + s2, s1 + s2, s1 - s2, s1 * s2, s1 / s2, s1 % s2 from


|                         Time||||| +| -| *| /| %|
|1970-01-01T08:00:00.001+08:00|          1.0|          -1.0|          1.0|          1.0|                          2.0|                          0.0|                          1.0|                          1.0|                          0.0|
|1970-01-01T08:00:00.002+08:00|          2.0|          -2.0|          2.0|          2.0|                          4.0|                          0.0|                          4.0|                          1.0|                          0.0|
|1970-01-01T08:00:00.003+08:00|          3.0|          -3.0|          3.0|          3.0|                          6.0|                          0.0|                          9.0|                          1.0|                          0.0|
|1970-01-01T08:00:00.004+08:00|          4.0|          -4.0|          4.0|          4.0|                          8.0|                          0.0|                         16.0|                          1.0|                          0.0|
|1970-01-01T08:00:00.005+08:00|          5.0|          -5.0|          5.0|          5.0|                         10.0|                          0.0|                         25.0|                          1.0|                          0.0|
Total line number = 5
It costs 0.014s

Arithmetic Functions

Currently, IoTDB supports the following mathematical functions. The behavior of these mathematical functions is consistent with the behavior of these functions in the Java Math standard library.

Function NameAllowed Input Series Data TypesOutput Series Data TypeCorresponding Implementation in the Java Standard Library
SININT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLEDOUBLEMath#sin(double)
COSINT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLEDOUBLEMath#cos(double)
TANINT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLEDOUBLEMath#tan(double)
ASININT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLEDOUBLEMath#asin(double)
ACOSINT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLEDOUBLEMath#acos(double)
ATANINT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLEDOUBLEMath#atan(double)
SINHINT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLEDOUBLEMath#sinh(double)
COSHINT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLEDOUBLEMath#cosh(double)
TANHINT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLEDOUBLEMath#tanh(double)
DEGREESINT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLEDOUBLEMath#toDegrees(double)
RADIANSINT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLEDOUBLEMath#toRadians(double)
ABSINT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLESame type as the input seriesMath#abs(int) / Math#abs(long) /Math#abs(float) /Math#abs(double)
SIGNINT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLEDOUBLEMath#signum(double)
CEILINT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLEDOUBLEMath#ceil(double)
FLOORINT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLEDOUBLEMath#floor(double)
ROUNDINT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLEDOUBLEMath#rint(double)
EXPINT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLEDOUBLEMath#exp(double)
LNINT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLEDOUBLEMath#log(double)
LOG10INT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLEDOUBLEMath#log10(double)
SQRTINT32 / INT64 / FLOAT / DOUBLEDOUBLEMath#sqrt(double)


select s1, sin(s1), cos(s1), tan(s1) from root.sg1.d1 limit 5 offset 1000;


|                         Time|     root.sg1.d1.s1|sin(root.sg1.d1.s1)| cos(root.sg1.d1.s1)|tan(root.sg1.d1.s1)|
|2020-12-10T17:11:49.037+08:00|7360723084922759782| 0.8133527237573284|  0.5817708713544664| 1.3980636773094157|
|2020-12-10T17:11:49.038+08:00|4377791063319964531|-0.8938962705202537|  0.4482738644511651| -1.994085181866842|
|2020-12-10T17:11:49.039+08:00|7972485567734642915| 0.9627757585308978|-0.27030138509681073|-3.5618602479083545|
|2020-12-10T17:11:49.040+08:00|2508858212791964081|-0.6073417341629443| -0.7944406950452296| 0.7644897069734913|
|2020-12-10T17:11:49.041+08:00|2817297431185141819|-0.8419358900502509| -0.5395775727782725| 1.5603611649667768|
Total line number = 5
It costs 0.008s

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