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JMX Tool

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JMX Tool

Java VisualVM is a tool that provides a visual interface for viewing detailed information about Java applications while they are running on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and for troubleshooting and profiling these applications.


Step1: Fetch IoTDB-sever.

Step2: Edit configuration.

  • IoTDB is LOCAL
    View $IOTDB_HOME/conf/jmx.password, and use default user or add new users here.
    If new users are added, remember to edit $IOTDB_HOME/conf/jmx.access and add new users' access

  • IoTDB is not LOCAL
    Edit $IOTDB_HOME/conf/, and modify config below:

JMX_IP="the_real_iotdb_server_ip"  # Write the actual IoTDB IP address

View $IOTDB_HOME/conf/jmx.password, and use default user or add new users here.
If new users are added, remember to edit $IOTDB_HOME/conf/jmx.access and add new users' access

Step 3: Start IoTDB-server.

Step 4: Use jvisualvm

  1. Make sure jdk 8 is installed. For versions later than jdk 8, you need to download visualvmopen in new window

  2. Open jvisualvm

  3. Right-click at the left navigation area -> Add JMX connection

  4. Fill in information and log in as below. Remember to check "Do not require SSL connection".
    An example is:

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