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  • Flexible deployment.

IoTDB provides users one-click installation tool on the cloud, once-decompressed-used terminal tool and the bridging tool between cloud platforms and terminal tools (Data Synchronization Tool).

  • Low storage cost.

IoTDB can reach a high compression ratio of disk storage, which means IoTDB can store the same amount of data with less hardware disk cost.

  • Efficient directory structure.

IoTDB supports efficient oganization for complex timeseries data structure from intelligent networking devices, oganization for timeseries data from devices of the same type, fuzzy searching strategy for massive and complex directory of timeseries data.

  • High-throughput read and write.

IoTDB supports millions of low-power devices' strong connection data access, high-speed data read and write for intelligent networking devices and mixed devices mentioned above.

  • Rich query semantics.

IoTDB supports time alignment for timeseries data accross devices and sensors, computation in timeseries field (frequency domain transformation) and rich aggregation function support in time dimension.

  • Easy to get started.

IoTDB supports SQL-Like language, JDBC standard API and import/export tools which are easy to use.

  • Intense integration with Open Source Ecosystem.

IoTDB supports Hadoop, Spark, etc. analysis ecosystems and Grafana visualization tool.

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